When I was in Sagreb Croatia walking down a narrow side street I took time to admire the Graffiti. But as I looked I spied something unexpected. Brail Graffiti. That refusal to let a handicap stop them from taking part was fantastic. It inspired me to start blogging in the same way. No matter what's wrong with me I'll find a way to overcome it. And so I give you my Brail Graffiti.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Home is a Good Place to be
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Happy ending
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Art. And my opinion of it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Harmony in the Babtistry
The courtyard from above.
Tis is Alessio he works at the Peperdine house and showed us around.
Well I an kicking myself now for putting off all this homework. I mean I'm in FLORENCE and I have to stay in the hotel room working.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
This is the front of the Duomo. For all of you who don't know the Duomo is a famous cathedral made of solid green and pink marble and is longer than a football field.
The Duomo's dome is a great mystery because no one knows how it was built. The rest of the cathedral was built long before the dome was. It was a real problem until they brought in an architect named Brunelleschi. He got it done but no one today knows how he did it.
Traffic in this city is scary! The sreets are narrow and the busses are huge. There are a million people on bicycles and motercycles. In fact today I saw a guy on a bicycle ride between a bus and a van that were mabey two feet apart. This is a tiny one person car with three wheels.
Train Travel
We rewarded ourselfs at the end of our travels with Gillato (itallian ice cream)!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
This is a huge satelite tower. It broadcasts TV, radio, and everything else.
The woods here are so differednt from home. There is very little brush and most of the trees are deciduous. I finally understand what all those english writers are talking about when they say "he took a walk in the woods" because they were thinking of a wood like this and not the thick forests of the north west.
Friday, October 10, 2008
In European resteraunts no matter what you'er drinking they usualy serve it by giving you a wine glass and the bottle and letting you pour your own.
This is Jagnic Dol (vally of the Lamb in English) it's the village we're staying in.
Today we went to a crystal making factory. Every thing in it glittered. These candle holders are my favorite things I saw in there.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I took over 150 pictures today. All the waterfalls were spectacular but I found the path we were walking on the most interesting. The way it was designed was so that you felt that you were, instead of itruding, just following a natural winding path that never ended.
I think I like Croatia better than Germany so far. I mean I havent seen very much of either but the people seem to be friendlier and ther's just somthing about it that I like. The hills and vallys around where we are staying are just breathtaking from the swing on top of the hill, and the houses and vinyards beautiful.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Brail grafittie impressive I think.
There is kind of a corner chappel called the stone gate downtown. It's not pretty but it certainly gives you a scence of the renessance period as it really must have been without all the Hollywood style we are used to.
In Croatia the traditional view on building is, Build until you don't have any money, stop, and when you have money agean pick up where you left off before. The result is alot of houses that you see half done.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
These are the Siblies, Tom and Sandra. Tom works at the Bible college in Zagreb and I got to hear him preach today. We are staying with them for our time here.
This picture should be tilted the right way. But if you crane your neck to the side you will see what it is supposed to look like. I t is a monument to Croatians who died sometime I forgot why. And I want no rediculous comments about how I cant fix a picture on my computer. I can I just don't want to. By the way if any of you know how I would apriciate it if you would email me.
Some one (my Mother) has been bugging me to talk about food. So here it is Croatian roast turkey. It was heavenly. Hey I'm sorry that there arent more pictures of me but I'm not very photogenic and I hate the way I look right now. BYe
Friday, October 3, 2008
OK sorry. Today I was way more tiered than yesterday because against good judgement I brought along two new books and probably only got about four hours sleep. OK maby five I just remembered how mad I was when I slept through breakfast. But today I did go to the castle ruin and took pictures so please forgive me. This particular castle was attacked by the French forever ago and instead of trying to blast through the five foot thick walls from the outside the Frenchies simply set fire to the gunpowder that was already in the turret and blew it up from the inside. I was pretty mad though because the people who run the castle wan't let you go hardly anywhere inside it unless you purchace a tour.