Monday, February 14, 2011


Ok, so I know Valentines day and all.... not too popular. I get that, I really do. But one of my favorite things in the world is flowers, and sinse they abound as symbols of devotion on this most hated of days, I decided to make my V-Day post about flowers.

Red, a classic that just can't be beat:

Orange, lively and warm:

Yellow, succulent and sweet:

Green, creative and unique:

(because seriously, I would go for a guy with the guts to get green flowers)

Blue, calm and serious:

Purple!, vibrant and vivacous:

For all you fans of indigo out there, I'm sorry but this blog does not officially recognise that as a color of the rainbow, it's a variation on blue.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Vintage and Fab

I have discovered! I love it and here are some of my favorites:

a simply too sweet for words headband, flowers made out of newspaper...

this crazy but dainty slip dress looks like a halloween costume but oh so sweet

if you want insanity made out of sweatshirts you should take a look at this work of art

these sweet stacking drawers have an almost oriental feel to them