Youth Group last night was amasing. Nothing was planned, we were just hanging out around the campfire out back of Tim's house. Jason and Sharadon had come. And Jen and Jacob. Kaylen, Andrea, Kaylee, and I were there too. Josh (as usual) was the first to arive. And Conrad and Austin were doing their best to cause trouble. After most of us had arived Tim, our youth minister but mostly our friend, asked us what we wanted to do.
"Let's play hide-and-go-seek in the dark!" Jason sugested eagerly, "We haven't done that in forever."
"That would be great, Jason," Josh answered, "but it isn't dark out."
"It will be in a while."
"Great what are we gonna do until then?"
"I don't know." Sinse no one had any ground-shaking ideas we just milled around for a while, talking and laughing
"Finally Tim asked again, "Do you guys want to play wink'um or something? We could put up the volly-ball net and get a game going." There were agreeing murmurs, but nothing concrete. After a while Tim had a new idea.
"Let's tell stories. Anyone got a good story?"
Kaylee spoke up, "We could tell Sasquach stories!"
"You want me to tell Sasquach stories, Kaylee? Well ok I'v got a good one." Tim began,"I read this once on a website. There were these two hunters who were out in the Olympics over night. That night they hung their backpacks in a tree to keep the animals away and bunked down on the ground in their mummy bags for the night. It was about midnight when one of the hunters woke up because he smelled something really bad. When he looked out he saw three or four huge figures in the campsite. They picked him up like a sack of potatoes and carried him three or four miles. Then they dropped him and left."
"Couldn't he have been making it up?" I asked.
"No way," Tim said, "I know people who have had experiences with this thing!" The group proceded to tell a whole batch of various Sasquach stories some convincing, some not so convincing.
When they were all done I said, "I still don't know. It's so unbelivable, like the Lock Ness Monster or something."
"Hey the Loch Ness Monster is more possible than Sasquach." Conrad sarcastically reminded me.
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