Thursday, November 18, 2010

hum drum

Just sitting in the computer lab...........bored and blogging. It's cold and rainy outside the sound of typing is varied and never ceasing. People are working, playing, writing. The guy behind me is a farm-ville addict and no one seems to actually be doing homework. I was facebooked by some guy that I've never met but apparently sat next to me in the computer lab yesterday....can you say creepy? I deleted his friend request and baned him from making more. I have a summary to write before noon but of course that would require me to read the essay.. I suppose I could do that. I've been feeling especially creative lately. I wonder what that's about. I just realized that the painting that I've been staring at for the last two hours as I worked is in two pieces and screwed into the wall. Who would do something like that???

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