Wednesday, January 5, 2011


It is absolutely astounding to me how much my friends can write. I mean Hugo, Bebo, and Joe just seem to have words to spare. (especially Hugo and Joe) I simply cannot fathom it. All durring gradeschool the most common comment on my papers and presentations was "very concise" which is nice teacher code for "too short." It's not that I don't have a lot to say. I do, oh trust me I do. But I just don't seem to have that most coveted of abilities: being able to ramble. My conciseivitis continued all throughout middleschool and on into college. I just seemed to SAY what needed saying. This always seemed like a very bad thing to me. Years of asking teachers, "Now by three pages do you mean that it must be EXACTLY three pages or could it be two and three quarters? Figuratively speaking of course." And all of this seemed so at odds with my personality. I love a good story. In fact get me going and it's hard to get me to shut up. Oh well .......


Three Bewhiskered Desperados said...

My parents would love to adopt you. You'd fit in perfectly. They still wonder how they managed to get a blode-haired, blue-eyed girl who actually likes to talk (too much). And while I have a way with words, it has only become my nature because I frequently forgot words, as I still do. So, I came up with other ways to tell people what I meant (and demanded). And now my family has trained themselves to ignore my ramblings. At least you, the obviously talented newspaper writer, will be heard.
Joe (I really stretched out the comment, didn't I? I hope they have no limit...)

Lydia said...

newspaper writer???

Three Bewhiskered Desperados said...

Haha, yes. Sweet and to the point! Spare words have no place in a newspaper (except in this town, where almost nothing happens, so they use stories about super dumb, local criminals).