Sunday, May 22, 2011


Today, of all days
I saw a butterfly

It amazed me.
For I had not knowticed the fact
that all the butterflies had died.
The winter had set in for their demize.

But this butterfly

This butterfly
was born and refused to die.
It was not my black butterfly.
It did not die.

She struggled, and complained.
But refused to put cut marks into her wings.
She refused to stop flying.

Proud butterfly
see the happiness in the air
and fly.

this is for we feel fine - I feel like butterflies have saved her life. Thank you Butterflies.


Three Bewhiskered Desperados said...

I like this. A lot.

Lydia said...

it's a "shitty first draft" according to my poetry professor, which means she liked it and thought that it deserved a second draft. I'll definitelly be working on this one.